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1957 |
- ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) founded within Dept of Defense to catch USSR science and technology
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1962 |
- RAND Corporation begins research. How can US authorities communicate after a nuclear attack?
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1969 |
- ARPANET commissioned by DoD to research networking
- 4 nodes created....UCLA, Stanford Research Institute, UCSB, U of Utah.
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1971 |
- ARPANET reaches 15 nodes
- First e-mail protocol
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1972 |
- NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications) creates telnet
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1973 |
- ARPANET establishes first international connection (England and Norway)
- Ethernet perceived
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1979 |
- USENET established
- First MUD
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1982 |
- TCP/IP established by DCA and ARPA
- the term Internet is used for the first time
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1983 |
- First name server developed at U of Wisconsin
- First desktop computers appear
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1984 |
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1986 |
- NFSNET created (backbone speed of 56K)
- First Freenet (Cleveland)
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1987 |
- NSF inks agreement with Merit Network, Inc. to manage NSFNET. Merit in turn works with IBM and MCI
- UUNET is founded
- Exceeds 10,000 hosts
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1988 |
- NSFNET backbone upgraded to a T1
- IRC developed
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1989 |
- Exceeds 100,000 hosts
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1990 |
- ARPANET dissolved
- Archie released
- The World becomes the first commercial ISP
- First remotely operated machine hooked up to the Internet (a toaster)
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1991 |
- WAIS released
- Gopher released
- WWW released by CERN (European Lab for Particle Physics [Swiss])
- PGP released
- SFNET backbone upgraded to a T3
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1992 |
- Exceeds 1,000,000 hosts
- Veronica released
- World Bank goes online
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1993 |
- First browsers become available...NetScape and Mosiac
- InterNIC created by NSF..AT&T handles directories and databases, NSI (Network Solutions, Inc.) handles registration, and General Atomics/CERFnet handles information services
- White House goes on-line
- WWW Worms and crawlers created
- Internet Talk Radio begins
- UN goes on-line
- WWW traffic at a 341,634% annual growth rate, Gopher is at 997%
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1994 |
- US Congress provides information servers
- Cyber Malls arrive
- Arizona law firm invents spam. Net users flame back!
- WWW sneaks past telnet to become 2nd most popular service (FTP was #1)
- First cyberbank on-line
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1995 |
- Java released
- NSFNET reverts back to research network. Main US backbone goes commercial
- Real Audio released
- WWW surpasses FTP traffic to become #1 protocol
- Compuserve, AOL, Prodigy connect to internet
- NetScape goes public with the third largest ever NASDAQ IPO share value
- Registration of domain names no longer free
- First successful Internet wire tap by the Secret Service and DEA
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1996 |
- Internet phones catch the attention of US telecommunication companies who ask the US Congress to ban the technology.
- The controversial US Communications Decency Act becomes law in the US in order to prohibit distribution of indecent
materials over the Net.
- Microsoft makes a strong bid for control of the Internet market place with MS Explorer (a web browser that is still available for free.)
- 9,272 organizations find themselves unlisted after the InterNIC drops their name service as a result of not having paid
their domain name fee.
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1997 |
- American OnLine (AOL) suffers as they are unable to handle the growing number of users.