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A priest is walking by a pier near his church.  He looks around
and finally
stops to watch a fisherman load his boat.  The fisherman
notices, and asks
the priest if he would like to join him for a couple of hours.
The priest

The fisherman asks if the priest has ever fished before, to
which the
priest says no.  He baits the hook for him and says, "Give it a
father".  After a few minutes, the priest hooks a big fish and
struggles to
get it in the boat.

The fisherman says "Whoa, what a big sonofabitch!"

Priest: "Uh, please sir, can you mind your language?"

Fisherman, thinking quickly: "I'm sorry father, but that's what
this fish
is called - a sonofabitch!"

Priest: "Oh I'm sorry - I didn't know."

After the trip, the priest brings the fish to the church and
spots the

Priest: "Eminence, look at this big sonofabitch!"

Bishop: "Please Father, mind your language, this is a house of

Priest: "No, you don't understand - that's what this fish is
called, and I
caught it.  I caught this sonofabitch!"

Bishop: "Hmmm.  You know, I could clean this sonofabitch and we
could have
for dinner."  So the Bishop takes the fish and cleans it, and
brings it to
Mother Superior at the convent...

Bishop: "Mother Superior could you cook this sonofabitch for

Mother Superior: "My lord, what language!"

Bishop: "No, Sister, that's what the fish is called - a
caught it, I cleaned it, and we'd like you to cook it."

Mother Superior: "Hmmm.  Yes, I'll cook the sonofabitch

Well, the Pope stops by for dinner with the three of them, and
they all
the fish is great.  He asks where they got it.

Priest: "I caught the sonofabitch!"

Bishop: "And I cleaned the sonofabitch!"

Mother Superior: And I cooked the sonofabitch!"

The Pope stares at them for a minute with a steely gaze, but
then takes off
his hat, puts his feet up on the table, and says, "You know, you
are alright".

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